Social Media Cleanup & Chance Rappin' The News

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 235

BL and David discuss choice words in Chance the Rapper’s rap about buying Chicagoist; Jurrasic Jeff Goldblum; an Amazon Dinosaur delivery; the Washington Post’s new Twitch TV channel; Buzzfeed’s no cats news feed; Twitter’s and Facebook’s transparent ads; Zuckerberg’s Recode interview and Holocaust denier do-over; AP’s social media fact checking; the great Twitter bot purge; Facebook fraud; Papa John’s whining, and Laundry Service resigning …and much, much more.

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Best Digital Cases

Chance the Rapper’s News Rap

Chance the Rapper dropped some new tracks at midnight last night. In one, he announced – with some very choice words – that he bought the Chicagoist.

Jurassic Jeff Goldblum

NOW TV has definitely caught the attention of Londoners.

Amazon Delivers A Dinosaur

Amazon, Jeep Wrangler, and Jurassic Park shot a brand hat trick.

Buzzfeed Launches A Separate News Site

Their news coverage made them a Pulitzer Prize finalist and now Buzzfeed has a news only site with no LOL, cats, quizzes or recipes.

Twitter’s Ads Transparency Center

The platform has faced growing political scrutiny around the role it has played in spreading misinformation, particularly in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Facebook’s New Info And Ads Tab

Brand pages will now link to all the ads for that brand currently running on Facebook.

Washington Post Launches TV Channel on Twitch

Continuing the trend for traditional media to seek new audiences,
The Washington Post announced it has launched a channel on Twitch, the “live streaming service for gamers and their many interests.”

AP Fact Checking Fake News in Social Media

AP is fact checking misinformation that is shared widely online, and working with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulation of false stories on the platform.

Twitter Bot Purge

Many users, including those who have bought fake followers and any others who are followed by suspicious accounts, saw their follower numbers fall.

Worst Digital Cases

Zuckerberg Plays the Do Over Game

Mark Zuckerberg got himself in hot water after an interview with Kara Swisher when he initially said Holocaust deniers had a home on Facebook. He reversed his statement the next day, as is the new normal.

Mark Zuckerberg clarifies his position on Holocaust deniers

Fraudulent Advertising Traffic

The digital ad space is rife with fraud and bots, stealing your precious marketing dollars.

Poor Poor Papa John

Papa John’s founder accuses Laundry Service of extortion, they flatly deny the charge.

Shiny New Stuff

Email Guesser

Put in first and last name and the app will guess the person’s email.


Heavy-duty database development and iOS app making tool.


Free online editor allows you to convert any short video clip into an animated GIF easily with a full set of basic controls and complementary editing and optimization tools.
You can crop, resize, optimize and rotate video.


B.L. joined the advisory board of Teens for Food Justice.

Teens for Food Justice logo

The Daily Numbers

  • Smart Audio Report Offers Early Insight Into Mainstream User Behavior And Attitudes
    • 38% of early mainstream owners say they purchased the device hoping to reduce screen time
    • 47% of early mainstream owners use the smart speaker with other people in their household most of the time
    • 33% of early mainstream owners who have children in the home say they talk to their smart speaker during mealtime
    • 29% of early mainstream owners say their smart speaker is replacing time spent with TV
    • 28% of early mainstream owners listened to a podcast on their smart speaker in the last week


Trump’s Claim That He Meant To Say ‘Wouldn’t’ Inspired A Few Jokes

The Best Political Ad In The History Of Political Ads


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