Facebook's Trust Scoring & Instagramming Novels

Beyond Social Media - Facebook Trust Scoring - Episode 240

Episode 240: BL and David discuss the NY Public Library’s Alice In Instagramland, spam best practice, Google Shortwave for podcasts, Facebook’s new trust scores; AI word pictures, Patio Pizza chairs, Conference Gifs, Papa John’s weird apology video, MacBook Pro’s terrible keyboard, Creepy 3D Cartoons, how AI could stop Russian interference in US elections…and much, much more.

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Social Media Cleanup & Chance Rappin' The News

Beyond Social Media - Social Media Cleanup - Episode 235

Episode 235: BL and David discuss choice words in Chance the Rapper’s rap about buying Chicagoist; Jurrasic Jeff Goldblum; an Amazon Dinosaur delivery; the Washington Post’s new Twitch TV channel; Buzzfeed’s no cats news feed; Twitter’s and Facebook’s transparent ads; Zuckerberg’s Recode interview and Holocaust denier do-over; AP’s social media fact checking; the great Twitter bot purge; Facebook fraud; Papa John’s whining, and Laundry Service resigning …and much, much more.

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