The Rock's Empire & The #MeToo Movement

Beyond Social Media - Dwayne Johnson Agency - Episode 206

Episode 206: BL and David discuss the #MeToo movement’s impact; a brilliant dot takeover; Barack Obama’s hip hop Presidential portrait; the Jane Austin role playing game from a former Second World developer; locking down Google for security; The Rock’s creative empire; Google search surprises; buff Jeff Bezos’ PR coup; craptastic towns of New Zealand provoke death threats; the voice ad challenge for brands; deceptive NFL advertising..and much, much more.

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Google Pixel 2 Announcement & Rockin' Ex-Presidents For Relief

Beyond Social Media - Google Pixel 2 Announcement - Episode 204

Episode 204: Co-hosts B.L. Ochman and David Erickson discussed Google’s Pixel 2 announcement and its battle against Apple; five ex-Presidents rocking for hurricane relief; the Obama’s 25th wedding anniversary; National Public Radio’s errant Facebook post that went viral; BuzzFeed’s public service fake news feed; IRS’ baffling announcement of its deal with Equifax; the amazing absence of a social media pause button; the client you’ll never want to have; plus great new apps and stats you should know…and much, much more.

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