Twitter Gets Vocal

Beyond Social Media - Twitter Gets Vocal - Episode 312

BL and David discuss Twitter’s new voice tweet feature; Target recognizing Juneteenth; Spotify lands DC comics for scripted drama podcasts; Netflix’ Reid Hastings donates $120 million to black colleges; Fox News doesn’t get the joke; Facebook’s Ad Library spying tool; Trump’s Nazi ads removed; Flipboard’s Fox News problem; #RIPTacoBell trends; A PR person from hell;..and much, much more.

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Social Media Cleanup & Chance Rappin' The News

Beyond Social Media - Social Media Cleanup - Episode 235

Episode 235: BL and David discuss choice words in Chance the Rapper’s rap about buying Chicagoist; Jurrasic Jeff Goldblum; an Amazon Dinosaur delivery; the Washington Post’s new Twitch TV channel; Buzzfeed’s no cats news feed; Twitter’s and Facebook’s transparent ads; Zuckerberg’s Recode interview and Holocaust denier do-over; AP’s social media fact checking; the great Twitter bot purge; Facebook fraud; Papa John’s whining, and Laundry Service resigning …and much, much more.

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Super Bowl Duds & YouTube Originals

Beyond Social Media - Super Bowl Commercial Duds - Episode 130

Episode 130: Co-hosts B.L. Ochman & David Erickson discussed the flap over Marc Andreessen’s comments about Facebook’s Internet access plans for India; Meryl Streep’s comments about diversity in the film industry; Super Bowl commercials that flopped; Pornhub’s latest philanthropic gesture; Snapchat’s new subscription option; Google’s new Knowledge Graph editing features; Amazon’s new video game engine; YouTube’s new original movies and shows; Instagram video views; plus great new apps and important stats and a lot of stuff in between.

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