McDonald's Anti-Trump Tweet, Baby Interview Crashers Go Viral

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 179

BL and David discuss McDonald’s hamburgled with an anti-Trump Tweet; video interview crashers crash the Internet; Boaty McBoatface returns; Pinterest Lens available to everyone; Twitter Moments get stats; hi-jacked highways promote Kong Island; spunky self-defense videos; Flo’s adult swim; 3D printed houses; intentionally fake news, and much, much more.

Best Digital Cases

McDonald’s Hanburgled With Anti-Trump Tweet

When an anti-Trump Tweet topped their feed, McDonald’s says their account was compromised. But a lot of people loved it. And of course the Trump trolls say they’ll boycott McD’s. And since what goes online, stays online, the Tweet is below.

Interview Crashers

An expert on North Korea was being interviewed from his home office by the BBC…until his daughters stole the show.

Pinterest Opens Its Lens to All on Android & iOS

Pinterest’s visual search tool isn’t quite ready to hop out of beta yet, but the company is giving everyone in the United States the chance to try it out.

The Resistance Soundtrack

No, it’s not a Spotify playlist of Donald Trump protest songs. This is a very clever promotion for a hit Amazon Prime TV show.

Boaty McBoatface Returns!

The remotely operated underwater research vessel known as Boaty McBoatface is preparing for its first research mission — an expedition into “some of the deepest and coldest abyssal ocean waters on earth.” But shouldn’t it be called Subby McSubface?!

Hijacked Highway

Peru’s most-traveled highway gets a virtual makeover.

Twitter Rolling Out Analytics for Moments

Twitter will report total views, unique viewers, completion rates, shares and likes for Moments. Twitter’s making an effort to put Moments on the map and on par with similar products from Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Facebook Messenger and Medium. Doh!

Flo Goes For An Adult Swim

Progressive Insurance targets Millennial men with a nod to Robot Chicken.

Self-Defense Starter Kit Videos Empower Muslim Women

A new video series called Self Defense Starter Kit is hoping empower Muslim Women with self-defense techniques. The creators and instructors were intentional in making the tone of the videos light, bringing infectious personality to the topic of trauma and violence. They emphasize that the videos are a starting point and that women must seek out more opportunities in their own communities to strengthen these basic skills.

Fender’s Rockin’ In The Digital World

How a 70-year old brand still rocks it in the digital world.

3D-Printed Homes

Instant presto housing for disaster recovery situations…or Trump’s detention camps.

Footprints Across LA

King Kong rampaged Los Angeles last weekend…just in time for the movie premier.

Worst Digital Cases

Satire Makes Fools of Gullible Trump Supporters. They Loved It.

James McDaniel published on his intentionally fake news website,, earlier this month. “To my surprise, the Trump masses embraced my stories as fact, almost universally,” McDaniel wrote. “It seemed that there wasn’t anything I could write that was too wild or outrageous to be believed by this particular audience.”

Tormented By Siri

Meet Alexa Seary.

Shiny New Stuff

SnagIt Update

The latest SnagIt update has added Panoramic Capture, Animated GIFS, edit and annotate screenshots, capture video, and more.

WordPress Users Import Plugin

A sophisticated plugin for importing users into your WordPress site.

The Daily Numbers

St. Patrick's Day


David Erickson

B.L. Ochman