Bud Light's 6-Second Dilly Dilly Ad & Bloomberg's Twitter TV

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 211

David Erickson discussed the Bud Lite Dilly Dilly commercial that ran during the Thanksgiving Day NFL game; Bloomberg’s imminent launch of its 24-hour news network on Twitter; Facebook’s suicide ideation AI; Facebook Shadow Profiles; Instagram subscribeable hashtags; Twitter’s affordable firehose; Snapchat’s new Audience Filters; the love of heavy metal music; Spotify’s ambitions to become a music label with the acquisition of Soundtrap; Sesame Street’s culturejacking of Stranger Things 2 with its Sharing Things parody video; Gamefly’s ridiculous cowgirls commercial; Paris Hilton’s false claim of inventing the selfie; plus great new apps and stats you should know…and much, much more.

SUBSCRIBE: iTunes or Google Play or Stitcher or iHeart Radio.

Best Digital Cases

Facebook’s Suicide Prevention AI

The company had been testing AI technology on text posts in the US. Now the technology is global and also ready for live video.

Facebook Shadow Profiles

Facebook knows who you know even if you don’t tell it. Your Shadow Profile is built on the address books and smart phone of other people who have your contact information.

Subscribable Instatags

Instagram is testing a new feature with a small fraction of its user base. Some users can now search for a hashtag and follow this tag in particular.

Twitter’s Affordable Firehose

Twitter is predominantly an advertising company, but it also sells data. Now it’s trying to sell more data.

Bloomberg’s Twitter TV Network

Bloomberg’s new Twitter TV network will launch on December 18.

Snapchat’s Audience Filters

Snapchat’s new Audience Filters can be aimed at specific audiences regardless of their location and bought through Ads Manager.

Precious Metal

Metal is number one by far on the list, ahead of genres like hip-hop, country, and rock by as much as 50%.

Chart: Songs Per Streaming Service

Chart: Global Spotify Listener Loyalty by Genre

Spotify Studio?

Spotify announced that it has acquired Soundtrap, a Swedish startup that allows for the creation of music in an online collaborative recording and production studio.

Sesame Street Culturejacks Stranger Things 2

Sesame Street creates a clever Stranger Things 2 parody by way of teaching kids the value of sharing.

Bud Light’s Six-Second Dilly Dilly Ad

Worst Digital Cases

Gamefly’s Ridiculous Commercial

Apparently, Gamefly’s ideal customer are guys who have never had a girlfriend.

No, Paris, You Did Not Invent The Selfie

By definition, a photograph that includes more than one person is not a selfie.

Shiny New Stuff


Google Analytics for chatbots.

Ad Mockups Generator

Create ad mockups for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.


The Daily Numbers

Chart: Where Consumers Conduct Product Research Online


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