Logan Paul Is Still Appalling & 2018 Women's March

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 215

Co-hosts B.L. Ochman and David Erickson discussed the 2018 Women’s March; the best of the Consumer Electronics Show; a Saudi camel beauty contest scandal; a clever convention positioning tactic; the Natural Light Super Bowl ad offering to pay down student debt; a Google Street View soundtrack; Vikings quarterback Case Keenum’s virtual reality training; Hawaii governor’s Twitter password problem; YouTube moving the goal posts on small time creators; Logal Paul’s slap on the wrist; Donald Trump’s media attacks; HP Spectre’s unfortunate naming problem; the latest Edelman Trust Barometer; Starbucks attacked with fake news; the Steve Bannon and Brietbart conspiracy to sink Twitter; plus great new apps and stats you should know…and much, much more.

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Best Digital Cases

Millions of Women March

The sheer magnitude of the second annual Women’s March should have dominated the news for days. The theme: we’ll bring our power to the polls. Ah, but nothing trumps 45 anymore.

The Best Of CES

Every technology geek’s favorite time of year, the Consumer Electronics Show, has come and gone.

Botox Scandal Rocks Saudi Camel Beauty Contest

A botox scandal caused 12 camels to be disqualified from King Abdulaziz Camel Festival beauty contest in Saudi Arabia. Thirty thousand camels participated in the festival, which is basically the Super Bowl of camel pageantry.

Convention Positioning

Quartz reporter Mike Murphy used a clever tactic to promote the fact that he was reporting from the Consumer Electronics Show: He changed his Twitter name to “Mike Murphy Is At CES.”

Screenshot: Conference Marketing On Twitter Example 2 Screenshot: Conference Marketing On Twitter Example 1

Natural Light’s Super Bowl Ad Offers To Pay Down Student Debt

Anheuser-Busch InBev will feature it’s economy brand Natty Light in a Super Bowl spot in 10 local markets to plug a new sweepstakes program giving away $1 million to help current and former college students pay off student loans.

The Sounds Of Google Street View

Now you can take a virtual tour through Google Street View complete with a soundtrack.

NFL Virtual Reality Quarterback Training

Minnesota Vikings backup quarterback Case Keenum took his team to the doorstep of Super Bowl LII and he did it with the help of practice in virtual reality.

Worst Digital Cases

Hawaii Governor Didn’t Correct False Missile Alert Sooner Because He Didn’t Know His Twitter Password

This has to be the worst excuse ever! David Ige, governor of Hawaii, says it took him 38 minutes to get on Twitter and say that the missile coming toward them was a mistake.

The reason? Ige’s answer: He didn’t know his Twitter password.

YouTube Moves The Goal Posts

YouTube has uppped the requirements for people to monetize their videos.

Trump Named Number One Global Oppressor of the Press

Finally! An award Donald Trump deserves. Committee to Protect Journalists has made him top winner in its global oppressor of the press awards. He topped leaders of Turkey, China, Egypt and Russia.

Logan Appalling

YouTube slaps Logan Paul on the wrist for his appalling behavior of uploading a video of a recent suicide victim for his millions of subscribers.

Edelman Trust Barometer Shows Collapse of Trust in the U.S.

In the annual Edelman Trust Barometer survey of 28 countries, the United States’ 37 percent slump in trust across government, media, businesses and non-government organizations (NGOs) is the world’s biggest drop in the past year. The collapse of trust in the U.S. is driven by a staggering lack of faith in government.

The Spectre Of A Poorly-Named Laptop

Naming your computer after a historic security flaw might not have been a good idea.

Political Partisans Attack Starbucks With Fake News

An fake image of a Facebook post that purported to come from a Starbucks employee who target white employees with contaminated drinks went viral.

Shiny New Stuff

Media Shift Daily Newsletter

A must-read daily newsletter by Mark Glaser

Instagram Hashtags

Copy and paste sets of commonly-used Instagram hashtags.

The Shorter Thesaurus

A great tool for headline writing & Tweeting

Likes For Likes

Like others’ Instagram photos, get Likes in return.

Journalist’s Toolbox

A fabulous list of copy editing resources from the Society of Professional Journalists. Includes news gathering and verification tools, an app for editing on a smartphone and lots more.

Industrial Strength Wireframing Tool

Create website wireframes, layouts, and share and collaborate on interactive prototypes.


  • B.L. quoted in Muck Rack daily.


The Daily Numbers

Chart: Robocall Complaints - 2013-2017


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