The Deep Fakes Edition

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 273

BL and David discuss the Pakistani press conference that was filtered with cat ears; 3D objects and augmented reality in Google search; YouTube’s augmented advertising; Cracker Barrel’s moral stand; a robobullying parody video of Boston Scientific robots; museums installing ‘braille art’ touchable recreations of exhibits; Spotify’s Daily Drive podcast playlist and the company’s new podcast-targeted advertising; the announcement of Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency; an AI-generated Russian spy infiltrates LinkedIn; a deep fake Rasputin sings Beyonce; deep fake videos that are as easy to create as editing text; an algorithm that can generate an accurate portrait of a speaker based only on a sample of that speaker’s voice; Google Photos goes Driveless;…and much, much more.

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Audio version of Episode 273 of the Beyond Social Media Show

Best Digital Cases

Pakistani Meow Conference

A Facebook Live press conference by Pakistani government officials went viral after they forgot to turn off the cat face filter. They blamed it on a “hard working volunteer,” of course.

Pakistani government officials forgot to turn off the cat face filter during a Facebook Live press conference.

Augmented Advertising

Google is introducing an augmented reality-enabled advertising format for YouTube.

YouTube Augmented Reality Ads

Woke Cracker Barrel

A Cracker Barrel restaurant in Tennessee turned away a pastor who preached anti-LGBT sermons, including that gay people should be executed by the government. Cracker Barrel has come a long way since 1991.


What happens when a robot gets sick and tired of being kicked, pushed, and forced to work under extreme conditions in the name of robustness testing?

Boston Dynamics Parody Video

Innovative Solutions To Climate Change

Ice on Fire explores the many ways we reduce carbon inputs to the atmosphere and, more important, how to “draw” carbon down, bringing CO2 out of the atmosphere and thus paving the way for global temperatures to go down.

Ice On Fire Trailer

Braille Art

Some museums are using technology to create touchable 3D models of photos and paintings on exhibit to enable blind people to experience the artwork.

Spotify’s Targeted Podcast Advertising

Spotify now allows advertisers to target their ads toward specific podcast listeners.

Spotify’s Daily Drive Playlist

Worst Digital Cases

Facebook Launches Facebucks

Facebook is launching Libra, a cryptocurrency that it hopes will become a new global currency system. Oy vey.

This Person DOES Exist…Sorta

Katie Jones doesn’t exist but the persona was part of a vast army of phantom profiles lurking on the professional networking site LinkedIn. And several experts contacted by the AP said Jones’ profile picture appeared to have been created by a computer program.

Katie Jones
AI-Generated Katie Jones

Rasputin Sings Beyonce. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

Deep Fakes like Rasputin singing Beyonce’s “Halo” might seem funny now, but we’ll soon be in the Upside Down.

EZ Fakes

A scarily simple way to create fake videos and misinformation.

Easy Deep Fake Video Demonstration

Google Photos Minus Drive

Beginning in July, photos on Google Drive won’t automatically sync with Google Photos. Google’s explanation is as clear as mud.


MIT researchers have developed an algorithm that can generate a face of a speaker based solely on an audio sample of that person’s voice.

Speech2Face Examples
Speech2Face Examples

Shiny New Stuff

Compare Versions in Google Docs

This new GSuite feature makes it easy to see changes between two docs over time. 

Storytelling Podcast

Hosted by Park Howell, each episode brings you the brightest storytelling content creators, advertising creatives, authors, screenwriters, makers, marketers, and brand raconteurs that show you how to make your story marketing stand out.

The Atlantic Daily Idea Story

An engaging, daily 2-minute story from The Atlantic for Amazon and Google smart speakers, and also on desktop.

Slideshare For Charts

Build a great free live charts.

Podsights Research

A free tool that tracks podcast ad buys, indexing which advertisers appear on what podcasts. New features include brand filters, ability to add any podcast, and data export.


Camp America

Vic Mensa’s powerful protest song and sad commentary on the deliberate brutality of Donald Trump’s morally reprehensible policy of caging children.

Music Video for Vic Mensa’s Camp America

The Daily Numbers

Chart: Email Dwell Times
Email Dwell Times

Beyond Social Media Hosts

Beyond Social Media Show