Stranger Things Cease & Desist, Dotards & Facebook's Nazi Algorithm

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 202

Co-hosts BL Ochman and David Erickson discuss Kim Jung Un calling Trump a “dotard” and the Internet reaction; Facebook’s Nazi algorithm, destination pizza; Google’s Power Searching course; a juvenile Minnesota Vikings hire; NPR teaching print journalists how to create audio stories; fake attorneys targeting Amazon sellers; a Stranger Things Cease & Desist Letter with heart; great new apps and much, much more. SUBSCRIBE: iTunes or Google Play or Stitcher or iHeart Radio.

Best Digital Cases

How Millions Learned the of Dotard

Millions sought the definition of “dotard” after Kim Jung Un called Trump a “dotard.” It was widely defined as “senile or weak-minded elderly person.” In fact, the original Korean statement means “old beast lunatic,” which many think is spot on.

Destination Pizza

The owners of Punch Pizza take their managers to Naples, Italy every other year to experience genuine Neapolitan pizza. During the last trip they took a videographer to tell their story.

Brooke Baldwin Pulled the Mic on Male Chauvinist Pig

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin quickly ended a segment by shutting the microphone of Fox Sports Radio’s Clay Travis who repeatedly expressed his love for the “First Amendment and boobs.”

How To Tell Audio Stories

National Public Radio is taking feedback on a document teaching print journalists how to tell audio stories.

Take Google’s Free Power Searcher Course

Google’s new self-paced course nets you a certification as a power searcher. It’s got great content. And it’s free.

Netflix Stranger Things Cease & Desist

Netflix took a different avenue than your standard cease and desist lawyer letter to the Stranger Things-themed pop-up restaurant: Humor and a light touch.

He-Man & Skelator Dirty Dance

Money Supermarket found a winning combination for its new commercial: Dirty Dancing, He-Man and Skelator.

Worst Digital Cases

Cincinnati Zoo Dares to Claim It Has Replaced Harambe

Internet reaction was swift when the zoo announced that it has replaced Harambe. You cannot just “replace Harambe” with another gorilla. There will never be another Harambe. And this poor gorilla, whose name is Mshindi, looks terrified.

Minnesota Vikings Hire Child Consultant

The NFL hired an 18 year-old to help them reach the next generation.

Facebook’s Nazi Algorithm

After being contacted by ProPublica, Facebook removed several anti-Semitic ad categories and promised to improve monitoring.

Fake Attorneys On Amazon

Bogus complaint from nonexistent law firm costs one entrepreneur $200,000.

Shiny New Stuff

RIPL: Geekwire 2017 app of the year

Create eye-catching animated videos and share them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram with one tap.

Hamilton68 Dashboard

This dashboard tracks online Russian propaganda in real time.

OBS: Open Broadcaster Software for live streaming

Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming quickly and easily on Windows, Mac or Linux.

The Daily Numbers

US Connected TV Users By Brand [CHART]


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