Crying Migrant Girl & Weather Channel's Immersive Forecast

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 233

BL and David discuss the iconic photo of the crying migrant girl; Richard Painter’s dumpster fire ad; the Facebook fundraiser to reunite the families Trump has torn apart; the Supreme Court’s ruling requiring a search warrant for police to obtain your GPS location data; the Apple/Oprah alliance; banners replaced with cats; Beyonce & Jay-Z’s new album release; the Weather Channel’s immersive forecasts; Google’s new podcast app; Melania Trump’s trolling jacket; Burger King’s Russian babies offer; an automated firing; the Philly hotdog gun; …and much, much more.

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Best Digital Cases

The Backstory of the Crying Migrant Child Photo

Pulitzer Prize winning photographer John Moore says his iconic photo of a two year-old girl screaming while a border patrol agent searched her mother broke his heart.

Richard Painter’s Dumpster Fire

Painter’s video is drawing a lot of attention on social media, with reactions spanning praise to befuddlement.

Largest Fundraiser in Facebook History

A fundraiser to help separated immigrant families raised nearly $20 million this week on Facebook, with 500,000 contributors. The funds go to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES.)

Warrant Required

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that police need a warrant to obtain cellphone location information routinely collected by wireless providers.

Banner Cats

Retargeting you with something you actually want to see.

I Want More Cats

Screenshot: I Want Cats on Washington Post

Immersive Weather Forecast

Spoiler alert: A tornado literally rips apart the studio during a live broadcast.

Worst Digital Cases

Melania Trump’s “I Really Don’t Care” Jacket

On her visit to a Texas shelter for immigrant children, First Lady Melania Trump wore a jacket with “I Really Don’t Care, Do U?” written on the back in huge letters. Is she trolling her husband?

DiGiorno & “Trump & The Baby Snatchers”

Maybe be careful about bidding on the word “oven.”

Screenshot: DiGiorno's Promoted Tweet

Russian Burger King Offers Money to Women Impregnated By World Cup Players

Burger King has apologized for offering a lifetime supply of Whoppers to Russian women who get pregnant by World Cup players. The offer, announced on Russian social media, was immediately called sexist and demeaning.

Deleted Russian Burger King Pregnancy Ad

Automated Firing

Ibrahim Diallo was fired from his job by the company’s AI system, as managers scrambled to figure out the problem and watched him be escorted from the building.

Woman Injured By Flying Hotdog

The Philly’s mascot Phillie Phanatic, fired off his hotdog gun during a game and hit a fan right between the eyes, which sent her to the ER.

Shiny New Stuff

Motherlode of Helpful Online Tools

Jeremy Caplan offers 30 a Google Doc replete with useful tools ranging transcription apps to VR & AR tools as well as ways to backup your images.

The Interface

An evening newsletter about Facebook, social networks, and democracy.

A Collection of Pitch Decks That Have Raised Over $1.4 Billion

Links to more than 35 Slideshare decks, including Buffer, Buzzfeed, Air BnB, Contently, Foursquare, Snapchat, Tinder and YouTube. Each deck tells the amount of money raised, and from whom.

The Daily Numbers

Chart: Why Facebook Users Are Sharing Less


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