Bill Maher Apologizes & Senator Chuck Schumer Trolls Trump

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 191

BL and David discuss Bill Maher’s apology; Senator Chuck Schumer’s hilarious Trump parody; new podcasting analytics; Bob Dylan’s possibly cribbed Nobel Prize speech; KIT story analytics; Twitter’s political analytics; the “failing” NY Times; new Twitter DM features and new graphic design; inexpensive commercials and much, much more.

Best Digital Cases

Senator Chuck Schumer Trolls Trump

After King45 channeled North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and had his entire senior staff praise him to the press, New York Senator Chuck Schumer and his senior staff trolled Trump with a hilarious parody.

Podcasting Analytics

Apple has announced it will provide podcasters with some insight into how their audiences consume their podcasts.

Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech is FANTASTIC – But Is It Cribbed?

Did Dylan “borrow” some of his speech from SparkNotes? Did he do that intentionally?

Story Analytics

Swedish startup Kit is doing a ton of legwork to help you understand why stories are successful online.

Otroligt goda kolor som smälter i munnen och som väcker barndomsminnen till liv.⠀ ⠀ INGREDIENSER, ca 30 st⠀ 50 g mogen banan (cirka 0,5 banan)⠀ 2 dl vispgrädde⠀ 75 g smör⠀ 0,5 tsk salt⠀ 170 g (1,25 dl) vit sirap eller glykos⠀ 2,5 dl strösocker⠀ ⠀ 1. Klä en form som mäter cirka 25 x 30 cm med bakplåtspapper.⠀ 2. Mixa bananen fint med en stavmixer eller liknande. Mät upp vispgrädde, smör och salt i en kastrull. Tillsätt även den mosade bananen och hetta upp. Blandningen måste inte koka.⠀ 3. Mät upp sirap och strösocker i en annan tjockbottnad kastrull och låt koka upp. Koka på hög värme till 170 grader, du behöver knappt röra. Dra kastrullen från värmen och rör ner gräddblandningen i sockerblandningen. Var lite försiktig, den heta smeten stänker lätt.⠀ 4. Ställ tillbaka kastrullen på plattan och låt koka på medelvärme till 124 grader. Rör om då och då.⠀ 5. Häll upp smeten i formen och låt stelna i minst 3 timmar.⠀ 6. Skär upp kolan i bitar. Smörj gärna kniven med lite olja så klibbar det inte fast så mycket. Slå in kolorna i bakplåts- eller smörgåspapper.⠀ ——————⠀ ✍🏻@kakmia 📸@mikaelgo #️⃣ #kitmat #fika #homemade #nybakat #hembakat #gofika #dessertporn #foodies #instadessert #feedfeed #food52grams #beautifulcuisines #tastingtable #foodstagram #eatingfortheinsta #yum #foodie #recipe #foodblog #instafood #instagood #onthetable #vscofood #thefeedfeed #bananaskids #banana #taffy #kola

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Adorable Facebook Messenger Chatbot Uses AI to Talk to You About Your Mental Health

Woebot, one of the first chatbots of its kind, is powered by artificial intelligence not to tackle your deepest problems, but to improve your mood, and even alleviate symptoms of depression.


Political Analytics

Facebook has rolled out features that help elected officials better understand their constituents and constituents better communicate with their representatives.

The Failing New York Times

The “failing” New York Times is killing it with newsletter subscribers.

New Twitter DM Features

Twitter is expanding the features of its Direct Messaging tool.

Worst Digital Cases

Republican Missouri State Senator Beheads Chicken on Facebook to Promote Anti-Abortion Bill

In a video posted to Facebook Live, a Missouri lawmaker cuts off the head of a chicken while announcing he wants to stop abortions in the state.

Bill Maher Apologizes

A week after using the N-Word on his Real Time with Bill Maher, his guests got really real with him.

Senator Rand Paul Forgets to Delete a Tweet

Sen. Rand was present at the Congressional baseball practice shooting and gave accounts to news organizations. He forgot, however, to delete an indiscrete Tweet from June 2016. What goes online, stays online.

In case he deletes the Tweet, here it is:

Oops. Quartz Rips Off National Geographic

But the recovery was well-played.

Worst Newsjacking Ever?

Wednesday was a bad day: Mass shooting at Congressional baseball game practice; fatal fire in London; mass shooting at UPS in San Francisco. But Twitter’s sponsored trending section was promoting a very unfortunate hashtag: #HappyDeathDay. Oh, there’s was a custom emoji that went with the hashtag, too


PETA Pitch by Press Kitchen PR Firm backfired when they tried to engage Mashable in a deceptive ploy.

PR Pitch from Hell

Hey (Insert Media Contact Name)

Shiny New Stuff


Ready-made video commercial templates with prices starting at $45. Some feature a funny dog. My favorite – a chess playing dog who could be in an ad for a dog trainer.


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