Star Wars Rogue One Live Stream & OK Go In Slow Mo

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 166

BL and David discuss the Internet Archive moving to Canada; obnoxious podcasters; spying headphones; the new blogging platform; the Diageo VR drunk driving experience; first-person video of the Tennessee wildfires; OK Go’s amazing new music video; Morton Salt’s #WalkHerWay; Amazon’s conciliation ad; Planned Parenthood donations in Mike Pence’s name; detecting fake news; Instagram’s shopping tags; Twitter’s Star Wars Rogue One Live stream, and much, much more.

Worst Digital Cases

Feeling Unsafe in Trump’s America, Internet Archive is Building a Backup in Canada

During the presidential election, many Americans said that they’d move to Canada if Donald Trump won. But the Internet Archive, the nonprofit organization that backs up virtually the entire public internet, is actually moving.

Podcasters Who Intentionally Awake Voice-Activated Devices

BeanCast host Bob Knorpp and guest Joseph Jaffe activatied their podcast listeners’ Amazon Echos by asking them to order 300 rolls of toilet paper. Danny Sullivan delighted in awakening Alexa on the This Week In Google podcast, as well.

Guess what? Not funny.

Headphones have ears and they’re spying on you.

A group of Israeli researchers has taken spy paranoia a step further, with malware that converts your headphones into makeshift microphones that can slyly record your conversations. All of them.

Telegram Launches Telegraph Blogging Platform

The Telegram messaging app is branching into the online publishing territory with a Medium-like blogging platform. Only problem: It’s anonymous.

Best Digital Cases

OK Go – This One Moment Music Video & Morton Salt’s #WalkHerWay

OK Go’s latest music video for This One Moment couples a great song, with stunningly excecuted video, and a fantastic cause partner in Morton Salt.

Diageo VR Experience Puts You Into a Drunk-Driving Crash

Diageo’s virtual reality experience is decidedly not fun. The video, called “Decisions,” follows three groups of people whose stories converge in a tragic drunk-driving crash scene. And you’re in the car.

Wildfire Driving In Gaitlinburg, Tennessee

Michael Luciano recorded his harrowing drive through the Gaitlinburg, Tennessee wildfires, giving us all an amazing vicarious experience.

Planned Parenthood receives more than 50,000 donations from “Mike Pence”. He gets notified of each one

Because of his legislative history with women’s reproductive rights, many have protested the vice president-elect by giving money to Planned Parenthood. The organization says it has received more than 50,000 individual donations in his name since the election. He got a notice about each one.

Amazon Commercial About A Priest & Imam

In the wake of a presidential election in which religion was to deliberately used to pit Christians against Muslims, Amazon is currently running an ad that helps to counteract the hate.

Instagram Rolls Out Shoppable Tags In Posts

This functionality will bring important product information to the consumer earlier in the journey, all without having to leave the Instagram app to search. Then, if the consumer taps the Shop Now link from the product details view, they’ll go directly to that product on the business’ website.

The Media Literacy Imperative

Fake News will not just be an election phenomenon. It’s here to say. So it is imperative that we all know how to identify fact from fiction online.

Twitter Live-Streaming Exclusive Rogue One Content

On Friday Twitter will stream a special “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” event that will include previously unreleased footage from the forthcoming Disney/Lucasfilm movie followed by a Q&A with director Gareth Edwards and cast members.

Shiny New Stuff

Browser Extension Replaces “Alt-Right” with “White Supremacy”

A Chrome and Firefox extension that replaces the santized phrase “Alt-Right” with it’s proper meaning.

Acuity Scheduler

Acuity Scheduling App lets you set up meetings within emails and automatically add them to your calendar.

Moveable Google Analytics Properties

For those of us who manage a lot of different Google Analytics accounts, this is a godsend. Now you can transfer ownership of individual Google Analytics properties.

Go Pro Remo – voice activated remote device

GoPro releases Remo, waterproof voice-controlled remote, responds to 10 languages & is waterproof up to 16 feet


The Daily Numbers


David Erickson

B.L. Ochman