Trending Trump Statues & Twitter's Harassment Issues

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 154

BL and David discuss the trending naked Donald Trump statues; the Google Hangouts On Air transition to YouTube live; Twitter’s harassment issues; Verizon brandware apps; Moz’s unfollowing of FollwerWonk; Triumph the Insult Comic Dog’s triumphant return; the Twitter Filter; Amazon Original’s free pilot episodes; the Salvador Dali / Walt Disney collaboration; and much, much more.

Worst Digital Cases

Hangouts on Air Move to YouTube Live Events 

In their typically unclear manner, Google announced that Hangouts on Air are being separated from Google+ and moved to YouTube Live events. In the process, users are forced to open and attach a Google AdSense account in order to be able to embed videos on a website or blog.

Verizon’s Brandware Apps

Verizon has offered to install big brands’ apps on its subscribers’ home screens.

Twitter Takes Down Olympics Content, But Not Abusive Tweets

Twitter has an ongoing and extreme problem with abusive Tweets. Twitter managed to take down Tweets with photos and videos of the Olympics – at the behest of the Olympic Committee. But Twitter says it can’t remove abusive posts or dangerous threats against users. Why?

Moz Is Abandoning FollowerWonk

In a downsizing move, Moz is focusing on its core SEO offerings, especially local SEO, and as a result will be looking to sell FollowerWonk.

Best Digital Cases

Anarchist Group Indecline’s Naked Donald Trump Statues Appear In Several Cities

Humiliating, larger-than-life 300-pound statues of naked Donald Trump were placed in prominent locations in several cities by the Anarchist group InDecline. The statues were entitled “The Emperor Has No Balls.” In New York City, the Parks Department responded slickly.

Twitter Filter

Twitter has released two features previously reserved for Verified and high-profile accounts to everyone: Notifications improvements and Filters.

Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Pranks Trump Supporters With Outrageous Ads

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, star of a Hulu series, hosted a focus group of Trump supporters to see just how far he could push them. Pretty far as it turns out – and 2.2 million views this week alone.

Amazon Originals Release Pilot Episodes On YouTube & Facebook

In a promotional effort to raise awareness of the value of Amazon Prime memberships, the company has released the pilot episodes of some of its most popular TV series, including The Man In The High Castle and Transparent.

Amazon Originals Playlist

Salvador Dali + Walt Disney = Destino

A little-known and ultimately aborted collaboration between Surrealist painter Salvador Dali and Walt Disney finally was finished thanks to Disney’s nephew. Dazed has the wonderful history of the project.

Dumbo: Pink Elephants On Parade

Snow White & The Seven Dwarves: The Haunted Forest

Fantasia Trailer


Shiny New Stuff

Video chat for up to 8 people. Works in Chrome & Firefox & on iOs and Android phones.No install, no login required


A for-fee, self-service mobile app creation tool.


Free iOs app turns photos into works of art with filters and special effects.

Prisma App

Project Gutenberg

A treasure trove of free, public domain books that include many of the classics you should’ve read in high school and college.


Pricey system lets you video chat with pets remotely and lets them call you.

Top Wearable Devices

5 Most Popular Wearable Devices

    • B.L.’s rant on RCN’s reliability and service issues.

Starts at 30:34 in the YouTube video of tonight’s show. RCN – get your act together!



David Erickson

B.L. Ochman