Amazon Echo Look, Phishing for Google Docs, Traveljacking

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 186

BL and David discuss edible clothing, Mall of America’s Traveljacking, Obama’s Final Cut, CNN for the social age, the creativity chair, Signal for Help anti-domestic violence campaign, Amazon’s looking, phishing for Google Docs, gamified bike lanes, distracted driving and much, much more.

Best Digital Cases

Houdini, Eco-Friendly Sportswear Brand You Can Eat

When Houdini’s customers have worn out their clothes, they can return them to be composted and used to grow food. A top chef then turns the food into a gourmet meal to be enjoyed by customers.

Mall Of America’s Traveljacking Campaign

The Mall of America took advantage of Delta Airlines computer woes in 2016 to lure stranded travelers to spend their layover at the Mall.

Obamas Unveil Layout for His Presidential Center & It Has a Recording Studio

The Center, slated to be completed in 2021, will be located in the Jackson Park neighborhood of Chicago’s South side and it will include three buildings. Coolest of all: He envisions a recording studio in the building where he can invite artists like Spike Lee, Chance the Rapper, Bruce Springsteen.

The Creativity Chair

Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde has created a chair that shocks people who say “Yes, but.” Essential furniture for creative agencies.

Bloomberg, Buzzfeed, Vox Team Up With Twitter for 24/7 Streaming Video

Twitter is joining forces with Bloomberg, BuzzFeed, Vox and Viacom to create a service that will stream news produced solely for Twitter 24/7. The hashtag for all programming, which starts in the fall, will be #WhatsHappening.

Gamified Biking

Dutch city Utrecht wants to encourage more of its residents to bike more often. So much so that they’ve gamified biking.

Facebook Gives Creators More Control Over Freebooting

Facebook has announced has a better solution to the common practice of freebooting — stealing video and uploading it to one’s Facebook Page to reap the engagement, audience growth and revenue.

Signal for Help: UK Charity’s Riveting Anti-Domestic Violence Campaign

U.K. charity Bede House reels in its audience by offering a free public Wi-Fi connection. But when users connect they are instead confronted by “Signal For Help” that looks like a shocking Facetime call showing domestic violence in real time.

Worst Digital Cases

Google Docs Phishing Scam Fools Millions

On Wednesday afternoon, more than a million unsuspecting email users—including reporters from BuzzFeed, Hearst, New York Magazine, Vice, and Gizmodo received some seemingly legit invites to view a Google Docs file. It sought to gain control of their entire email histories and spread itself to all of their contacts, Google confirmed Wednesday. Google claimed to have it under control in an hour.

Amazon’s Looking

Amazon wants to put a camera in your bedroom.

Pre-Muddied Jeans

Luxury filthy jeans are sparking online outrage among the political right.

Robot Apes

Scientists are creating swinging robots to monitor crops.

Shiny New Stuff


Crate is a content curation tool that leverages data from the social graph to uncover articles that you can sharing on social media. It’s a good alternative to Buffer and Swayy.

99 Days Of Trump Tweets

Sunshine Happiness

Includes current and local weather conditions, along with how the weather makes you feel. It makes personalized suggestions based on your responses.

Apple Maps Connect

The Daily Numbers

Distrated Drivers By State [MAP]


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