LEGO Creativity

Beyond Social Media - LEGO Creativity - Episode 281

Episode 281: Co-hosts BL Ochman and David Erickson discuss the creativity of the world’s largest display of LEGO art in New York City as well as LEGO’s new Rebuild The World campaign; the five hundred new words that were added to the dictionary; Google’s new in this video search results; John Batelle’s new Daily Recount summary of the day’s political news; the city of Grand Rapids, Minnesota’s 3D crosswalks; Descript podcasting software that lets you deep fake yourself; fears of Chinese propaganda via TikTok; the pros and cons of Echo Auto; Facebook Watch TV watching you; creating a digital will; political contributions via Amazon Echo; Facebook’s app problem;…and much, much more.

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Amazon Echo Look, Phishing for Google Docs, Traveljacking

Beyond Social Media - Amazon Echo Look - Episode 186

Episode 186: BL and David discuss edible clothing, Mall of America’s Traveljacking, Obama’s Final Cut, CNN for the social age, the creativity chair, Signal for Help anti-domestic violence campaign, Amazon’s looking, phishing for Google Docs, gamified bike lanes, distracted driving and much, much more.

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