Screw You, Zuckerberg & Watch What You Don't Say

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 165

BL and David discussed how Facebook fake news impacted the 2016 Presidential election; a professor who was “not arrested” for free speech; Adobe’s audio Photoshop; the Trump Shopping Network; Technology Cautionary Tales; SNL’s Hallelujah; our hard-partying Founding Fathers; the BMW Films sequel; the Story of Election 2016; the Internet of Cows; solar rooftops; the First Draft Coalition; #TwitterAwards; and much, much more.

Worst Digital Cases

NYPD Arrests Professor For Free Speech

Rutgers adjunct professor Kevin Allred, who lives in Brooklyn, was taken to Bellevue Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation by NYPD officers after he made political comments in class and on Twitter about conservatives, president elect Donald Trump and gun control.

Mark Zuckerberg Says Facebook Is Not Responsible For Trump: Bullshit!

Five years ago, Eli Pariser warned us of the “filter bubble.” Now we’ve seen the filter bubble in action, with disastrous results.

Adobe’s Audio Equivalent of Photoshop

In what it being billed as the audio equivalent of Photoshop, Adobe is developing software that can understand the makeup of a person’s voice and replicate it, so long as there’s about 20 minutes of recorded speech. Then, words and full sentences can be edited and added with startling accuracy in that person’s natural speaking voice.

Trump Shopping Network

Within hours after the Trump family appearance on 60 Minutes, Ivanka Trump’s jewelry company sent email to fashion editors asking them to promote the $8,000 bangle she word on the show. Editors quickly took her to task on Twitter.

Best Digital Cases

Technology Cautionary Tales

Season three of Netflix Black Mirror series addresses technological dangers that are all-too-plausible if you look just beyond the horizon of the present day.

Kate McKinnon Sings Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah

Our Shitfaced Founding Fathers

According to this video from Great Big Story, our Founding Fathers were pretty much smashed all the time.
Like many of us were on election eve.

BMW Films Sequel

Wnen it debuted in 2001, was one of the first high-profile examples of online content marketing. Fifteen years later. BMW is bringing the series back.

Upcoming secret project with a mysterious driver…

A photo posted by Dakota Fanning (@dakotafanning) on

Benedict Cumberbatch reads James Corden The Tale of the 2016 Election

This sketch was funnier before the election. 🙁

The Internet Of Cows

An Australian start-up has created an Internet of Things sensor that monitors bovine health.

Google’s Project Sunroof

This week, Google launched a new free data explorer tool to enable solar estimates for entire communities, in addition to individual homes, by leveraging 3D rooftop geometry from Google Earth to estimate the solar potential for millions of rooftops in America.

First Draft Coalition

First Draft Coalition is a curated collection of verified eyewitness videos covering various events. FDC will help not just journalists from partner publications, but also individual users to verify stories circulating online.

First annual #TwitterAwards honor marketers for the best use of Twitter

Twitter says “These awards recognize the marketers, the idea people, the innovators and the creators all over the world who work tirelessly to create ingenious campaigns.”

Shiny New Stuff

Google PhotoScan App

Google’s PhotoScan app allows you to scan a photo from your phone in less the time it takes to use a flatbed scanner.

6 Google Chrome Extensions For Writers

Forbes Splash Screen Bypass Extension

Some developer got so annoyed with the splash screen you need to click through before you get to an actual Forbes article that (s)he created a Chrome extension to bypass it.

Udemy Pre-Black Friday Sale

Udemy is having a pre-Black Friday sale on its online courses. Prices go up every other day until Black Friday.

The Daily Numbers

Chart: How Native Ads Are Labeled


David Erickson

B.L. Ochman

Beyond Social Media Show