Sarah Silverman Turns A Troll & Cadbury's Full Willy Wonka

Beyond Social Media - Sarah Silverman A Turns Troll - Episode 214

Episode 214: David discusses Sarah Silverman’s compassionate response to a Twitter troll; Life Time Fitness’ decision to ban cable news; the Wellness VR platform pilot program in a senior living facility; Google’s audio-realistic text-to-speech technology; Firefox’s plans to shame insecure sites; Cadbury’s Willy Wonka white chocolate cream eggs; Apple’s long-awaited podcast analytics; Twitter’s video views; Facebook Ad Manager rules; the massive hardware security flaw that has effected all computer processors; a fatal swatting incident; Ajit Pai’s no-show at the Computer Electronics Show; and much, much more.

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Lands' End Drops Gloria Steinem

Beyond Social Media - Lands' End Drops Gloria Steinem - Episode 132

Episode 132: Co-hosts B.L. Ochman & David Erickson discussed Lands’ End PR problem with Gloria Steinem; Google’s elimination of sidebar ads from search results; ISIS threats against Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey; India banning girls from using cell phones; Harry Shearer catches Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski chatting up Donald Trump; David Duke trending on Twitter; the #HelpKenyaNotKanye campaign; Google Docs’ voice typing; some Autocorrect humor; Donald Trump’s Twitter insults; Atlas, the two-legged robot; Facebook Reactions; plus great new apps and important stats and a lot of stuff in between.

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Violent Bar Coasters & T-Mobile's #NeverSettleForVerizon

Beyond Social Media-Show - Violent Coasters - Episode 96

Co-hosts B.L. Ochman & David Erickson discussed violent bar coasters; a PR pitch from hell; T-Mobile’s #NeverSettleForVerizon campaign; Facebook Instant Articles; a ban on mobile ads in Europe; Snickers’ stickers; the Apple Watch for deaf people; and B.B. King; plus great new apps and important stats and a lot of stuff in between.

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