Ann Coulter Tweetstorms Delta; First Female Dr Who & More

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 195

Co-hosts B.L. Ochman and David Erickson discussed Delta Airlines’ vigorous response to provocateur Ann Coulter’s tweetstorm; the $3 dollar store; Amazon’s entry into Blue Apron’s meal kit turf; Home Depot’s ill-advised wall; the first female Dr. Who; Google Glass Enterprise Edition; contests in space; McCann’s battle with the Army; blacklisting Winnie the Pooh; batteryless phones; plus great new apps and stats you should know…and much, much more. SUBSCRIBE: iTunes or Google Play or Stitcher or iHeart Radio.

Best Digital Cases

Nothing Costs More Than $3 at This New Online Grocery Store

With $50 million in funding, Brandless is a new online grocery store where everything costs $3 or less. And for every order placed, they donate a meal to nonprofit Feeding America.

Amazon Tanks Blue Apron

Blue Apron stock price drops 10% after news that Amazon will enter the meal kit market.

BrouHaHa Over First Female Dr WHO Leads to Joy, Memes and Jokes

The first woman to play “Doctor Who”, British actress Jodie Whittaker was announced Sunday. The role has been played by a dozen men over six decades.

Fields Of Data

On a field in Zambia last December, farmers and villagers spent five days tilling the land not for food but to share a message with the rest of the world: we need to invest more in agriculture in Africa.


Hilarious New British Airways Safety Video Raises Money for Charity

In collaboration with Flying Start and Comic Relief, British Airways created a hilarious onboarding video with celebrities.

Batteryless Phones

That’s the exciting implication of new research out of the University of Washington, where researchers have created a mobile phone prototype that doesn’t require a battery to operate.

NASA’s Contests on

Freelancer teams up with brands to run Contests. Presently, NASA is “crowdsourcing” the more than 12 million freelancers registered on the site in three different contests. Unfortunately, freelancers on the site compete to work for the lowest possible prices.

McCann Worldgroup Fights the U.S. Army

Charging that its elimination from an agency review for the U.S. Army’s business was “an arbitrary and capricious decision,” McCann Worldgroup has filed a formal Government Accountability Office pre-award bid protest against the Army.

Worst Digital Cases

Dismissive Twitter

Many people have complained about harassment and bullying on Twitter. The standard response has been that the crazy person making threats or menacing has not violated Twitter’s rules – until Buzzfeed or other media outlets get involved.

Ann Coulter’s Twitter Tirade

The conservative commentator’s recent run-in with Delta Airlines raises the question: Do passengers have the right to take photos on aircraft?

Home Depot’s Wall

Activists at a Latin alt-rock festival in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood disassembled a mock wall installation at a Home Depot promotional booth.

Winnie The Pooh Blacklisted!

Winnie the Pooh has been blacked out from Chinese social media in the lead-up to the country’s 19th Communist Party Congress this fall, the Financial Times reported Sunday.

Shiny New Stuff


BitBounce allows you to charge people you don’t know a cryptocurrency fee to deliver an email to your inbox.

Why No Padlock

A tool to troubleshoot SSL certificate installations.

Free High Quality Health & Fitness Stock Photos

High quality stock photos exercises, diet, weight loss, food and drinks, fitness, yoga and running. No attribution needed.

Better Search & Replace

A WordPress plugin that gives you search and replace functionality for your WordPress database.


A bot tracking Trump family follow and unfollows, so we can try and figure out what is going on inside the White House. Created by @Psythor James O’Malley – editor at Gizmodo.


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