Can Zuckerberg Save the World? Has NASA Solved the Space Poop Problem?

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 175

Albert Maruggi was our co-host tonight since Dave is traveling. He’ll be back next week. BL and Albert discuss NASA’s Space Poop Challenge winner; Mark Zuckerberg Saves the World; Burger King’s Adult Toys; Social Springer Spaniels; Planet of the Apps; A Self-Taught Star; the Deluxe Small Business Revolution; trump’s Tweets; a Twitter Money Mystery…and much, much more.

Best Digital Cases

At Last! An Answer to the Space Poop Challenge

NASA has announced the winner of the Space Poop Challenge, a competition aimed at finding a safe, medically sound solution from taking waste away from astronauts’ bodies if confined for a long period of time.

Social Springer Spaniels

A successful breeder of springer spaniels in Baltic, South Dakota does a great job of telling the story of each litter.  Their use of Facebook attracts new buyers and easily engages current and former owners of puppies from Meadowland Springers.  You’ll see in this segment how the chronology of breeding suits the use of video, images, and posts on Facebook for engagement.

Israeli Burger King Gave Out Adult Toys on Valentine’s Day

The meal – only in Israel and only after 6 pm- came with:2 Whoppers, 2 packs of french fries, 2 beers and a romantic ADULT TOYinside (emphasis BK’s)

The promotion continues BK’s long standing tradition of wild promotions, beginning with the iconic Subservient Chicken back in 2005.

In The Furrow

West Central, distributors of agricultural products, created a multi-media blog to deliver content that helps inform growers on complex issues involving plant health, crop yield, and environmental impact.

Apple is Doing a Shark Tank Style Show With Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Gary Vaynerchuk

The show is called Planet of the Apps and it literally consists of celebrities telling app developers why their apps will never be profitable and will never be used by anyone.

A Deluxe Small Business Revolution

The Small Business Revolution is a series of videos about small towns with declining population that are trying to making it in an unfavorable economic environment. Deluxe sponsors a contest where towns compete for $500K to be used as economic development funds. The series, by Flow NonFiction, runs on Small Business Revolution and on Hulu.

Trump Handshake GIF
Goes Viral

Anders Ryttar’s model of trump’s handshake went viral after it was reTweeted by J.K. Rowling.
Said he “if I knew it was bound for 15 nanoseconds of fame, I would definitely have put a link to my webpage on it.”

Anders Ryttar Visualisation

Can Mark Zuckerberg Save the World?

Zuckerberg issued a 6000-word manifesto on how he hopes Facebook can create a positive global community that will help to save the world.
While I doubt he can save the world, it makes me happy that he wants to try.

Worst Digital Cases

Here’s What Happens When Trump Tweets

Trumpolini is a traffic cannon

Why Can’t Twitter Make Money

How is it Twitter gets credit for launching democratic revolutions, expanding coverage of news stories and enhancing TV viewing to a multi person social experience, yet it it’s having problems making a dime?

Shiny New Stuff


This app offers an international news database that goes back to 1945.

Hater – dating app connects you with people who hate the same things you do

Once you’ve listed your likes, dislikes, loves, and hates, Hater starts finding matches for you. You can scroll through matches much like other dating apps, swiping left on those you’re not interested in and right on someone you’d like to get to know.

What Was There

What Was There – a virtual time machine of sorts that allows users to navigate familiar streets as they appeared in the past. The premise is simple: provide a platform where anyone can easily upload a photograph with two straightforward tags to provide context: Location and Year.


David Erickson

B.L. Ochman