Trump's Debate Sniffles Go Viral & Ford Fact-Checks

Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 159

BL and David discuss Donald Trump’s viral sniffles; a Verge reporter who also worked at Apple; Facebook’s apology over inflated video metrics; self-driving chairs; the Edmonton Oilers’ super scary mascot; Jewish grandparents haunting their grandchildren over politics; Ford’s fact-checking the presidential debate; Snapchat’s Spectacles; Google’s login measurement method; a sweet refugee host; Spotify’s interest in SoundCloud; a pig-dancing cop; the arrival of Twitter Moments; the #VoteIRL campaign; and much, much more.

Worst Digital Cases

Donald Trump Sniffs Go Viral

“Trump has the sniffles. Is he okay? What’s going on with his health? Can he serve?” Naturally, Trump’s sniff already has its own Twitter account with 4000+ followers

An Editor For The Verge Took A Job At Apple Without Telling Anyone

Chris Ziegler, a founding editor at The Verge, began working for Apple in July 2016. Only problem: He didn’t bother to tell his boss at The Verge.

Facebook Apologizes After Overestimating Key Video Metrics For 2 Years

Facebook apologized to big ad buyers and marketers are upset with Facebook Inc. after learning the tech giant vastly overestimated average viewing time by as much as 80% for video ads on its platform for two years.

Self-Driving Chairs

Sick and tired of waiting in line at a restaurant or a movie theater? Nissan has got just the product for you.

Edmonton Oilers’ New Mascot Is The Stuff Of Children’s Nightmares

As soon as the Edmonton Oilers announced their new mascot, an uproar began. Some of the reaction evoked words such as “demon” and “soul-eating wildcats.”


Best Digital Cases

Ford Fact-Checks Trump During Debates

Ford anticipated it would be the subject of criticism by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during the first presidential debate, and they were ready to counter.

#WeveSeenThisBefore – Jewish Grandparents for Hillary Clinton

Bubbes and zaydes are stepping up to push the younger generation to vote for Hillary Clinton, in a hilarious video from Bend the Arc Jewish Action. Be sure to watch the video to the end.

Google’s Cookies Gettin’ Stale

Google is moving away from cookies and embracing the login as a more accurate method of measuring online behavior.

Snapchat Releases $130 Spectacles, Rebrands As Snap

SNAP (formerly Snapchat) releases video-recording glasses called Spectacles that let you record 10 second clips. They will initially be priced at $130 and have limited distribution.

A Sound Acquisition?

According to sources cited by Financial Times, SoundCloud, the beloved independent darling of the music world, is in acquisition talks with Spotify.

London Police Officer Has A Dance-Off With A Giant Pig

A police officer’s moves went viral when he participated in a dance off with a giant pig in the middle of a busy street to raise money for a cancer charity.

President Obama Wins Hearts & Minds

Twitter’s Teasing Moments

Twitter is finally rolling out the ability for every user to create Twitter Moments.

#VOTEIRL YouTube Campaign Aims At Millennials

Popular YouTube creators will publish 1:34 videos in which they complete other tasks like plucking their eyebrows, while encouraging people to register and vote.

Shiny New Stuff

Product Photography Tips

Website Wireframe Tool

Mockingbird let’s you quickly and easily create a wireframe illustrating the layout of a website or a mockup of a page layout.

The Daily Numbers

Podcast Abandonment Rates


David Erickson

B.L. Ochman

Beyond Social Media Show