Texas PoliTech Videos: Dumb & Dumber; GoPro in Outer Space
Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 71
Co-hosts B.L. Ochman & David Erickson discuss the weird case of #AlexFromTarget, Texas Tech’s Dumb & Dumber videos, NASA & GoPro in outer space, Vancouver Opera’s clever audience-building campaign and much more on episode 71 of the award-winning Beyond Social Media Show.
Worst Digital Cases
- Purchase and mail poop with Bitcoins
- #AlexFromTarget case gets weirder by the day
- Microsoft Surface Pro for election coverage #BIGFAIL
- Texas PoliTech videos: Dumb and Dumber
Best Digital Cases
- NASA uses GoPro in water bubble experiment in space
- Keira Knightly’s topless protest
- New social media trend – pay me
- Vancouver Opera’s poignant, interactive “Stickboy” campaign targets younger audiences
- Warner Brothers joins iconic brand Hangouts trend with “Interstellar” live broadcast
Shiny New Stuff
- Ubersuggest – keyword planning tool on steroids
- NinjaForms WordPress plugin provides conditional logic
- NUVI – robust social media monitoring platform
- Doggy BnB – fluffy version of Tinder for pets
The Daily Numbers
David Erickson
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