Bernie Sanders' Data Grab

Beyond Social Media - Bernie Sanders Data Grab - Episode 124

During Episode 124, co-hosts B.L. Ochman & David Erickson discussed the Bernie Sanders campaign breach of Clinton campaign voter data; Apple shutting down Topsy; a Stoner Sloth PSA campaign; Santa as a woman; Ticketmaster’s crash and burn; 2015 Photoshop fails; Southerners scared of solar energy; the Year in Search; virtual trips to Mars; a Star Wars safe driving PSA; Facebook’s Yelp killer; Google’s predictive traffic patterns; Google’s Uber killer; plus great new apps and important stats and a lot of stuff in between.

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The Pros & Cons Of Starbucks' Race Together Campaign

Beyond Socila Media Show - 88 - Starbucks Race Together

Co-hosts B.L. Ochman & David Erickson discussed the pluses and minuses of Starbuck’s #RaceTogether campaign; Toyota’s BB King commercial; HBO’s Robert Durst True Crime reality show; Monica Lewinski’s TEDTalk; American Airlines exception policy fiasco; Google’s practice of manipulating search results; YouTube’s new cards; NASA’s live broadcasts; and a lot of stuff in between.

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