Yes, you do need to learn GooglePlus. Interview with B.L. Ochman

Beyond Social Media Show co-host B.L. Ochman discussed why you need to learn GooglePlus in a Hangout on Air interview by Donna Papacosta, writer, speaker, podcaster, communications and social media consultant, content marketer and curator.
The main reason? Google+ is not just another social network. It’s Google.

You can watch the video of the interview here.

In this conversation, among other things, B.L. outlined the great work in G+ of some big brands, and also offered this advice:

  • Be sure your Google+ profile is complete
  • Use a great headshot; be sure yours is the correct size and orientation
  • Remember Google+ is a very image-friendly place; use photos and other visuals to your advantage
  • Take advantage of Google+ Communities
  • Be sure to try out Google Hangouts, which offer rich features to enhance your online communications
  • Keep in mind that Google has changed its search algorithms so that engagement matters!
  • Google+ is Google after all, and tightly integrated with Google Search.
  • Think about working with a Google+ guide to help you navigate the ins and outs.

Contact B.L. for more information about GooglePlus coaching for associations and agencies: BL aT