Facebook, McDonald’s & Dinosaurs
Facebook Groups Battle Over A McDonald’s Dinosaur
Episode 322 – September 11, 2020
- Totally Hip Book Reviews
- Amazon Goes After Smart Apartments
- Wired 25 Virtual Conference
- PDFs: Not Fit For Human Consumption
- Mad At Disney
- New LinkedIn Features
- Jabbermask
- Mythic Dinosaurs
- Paid Keywords Not Provided
- Drone Deliveries
- The Phone Has Been Drinking (Not Me)
- Paying For Podcasts
During episode 322, BL and David discuss a Facebook Group battle over a dinosaur at McDonald’s; Alexa for Residential; Ron Charles acting out book reviews; PDFs are not fit for human consumption; the Wired 25 virtual conference; new LinkedIn Page features; Salem Ilese is Mad At Disney; the JabberMask; Google to limit paid keyword data; the drone delivery race heats up; your smartphone knows when you’re drunk…and much, much more.
Best Practices
Totally Hip Book Reviews
Hilarious weekly “totally hip” video book reviews, acted out by Ron Charles.
- Susanna Clarke’s ‘Piranesi’ reveals a man trapped in a watery palace
- Humans and robots are falling in love, but not with Ron Charles
Alexa For Residential
Amazon is launching a new service for property managers called “Alexa for Residential” that makes it easier to deploy and manage voice-enabled devices and experiences in apartment buildings.
- Amazon launches ‘Alexa for Residential’ to help property managers add voice to smart apartments
- A new, easy way for properties to add Alexa to residential buildings
Wired’s Virtual Conference
Stuck In A PDF
Someone finally said it!
Mad At Disney
Salem Ilese had a modest fan base until her latest single, “Mad at Disney” went viral on TikTok. Now it’s earning more than a million streams a day on Spotify alone.
New LinkedIn Page Features
LinkedIn has added some new page features for virtual events, followers, and employees.
- LinkedIn lets Page owners view, sort, learn more about their followers
- What’s New With LinkedIn Pages: “My Company” Tab, “Events” Tab, and View Page Followers
Smile through your COVID 19 mask.
Worst Practices
Ban Dinosaurs From McDonald’s?
A Facebook group wants a local McDonald’s to remove the statue of a dinosaur that has been there for decades because they don’t believe dinosaurs existed.

Paid Keywords (not provided)
Google has begun alerting advertisers that it will soon stop showing search queries that triggered their ads when there is not “significant” data.
Drone Delivery
Both Amazon & Walmart announced their new drone package delivery services this week. Hey, what could go wrong?
The Smartphone Has Been Drinking (Not Me)
Scientists from University of Pittsburgh just published research showing that, in the lab at least, your smartphone can detect if you’re drunk.
- Your Smartphone Can Tell If You’re Drunk-Walking
- A Preliminary Study Using Smartphone Accelerometers to Sense Gait Impairments Due to Alcohol Intoxication
- AlcoGait
- Use This Map to Find Out Which Dinosaurs Lived in Your Area
- Ancient Earth Globe
- The Joys of Looking Out Someone Else’s Window
- Window Swap
Shiny New Stuff
B.L.’s Finds
- PNGHut – Millions of free to download images for any project.
David’s Finds
Pro Tips
Email Outreach
Weekly Numbers
Of the 50% of US adults who listen to podcasts, around 1 in 6 (17%) have paid to listen to one, while a majority are open to a mix of free and paid podcast models.