George Floyd Police Brutality Protests

George Floyd & The Police Brutality Protests

Episode 310 – June 6, 2020


  • Report From New York City
  • Trevor Noah’s Racial Injustice Insight
  • The Military Speaks Out
  • DC Bishop Is Outraged
  • Buffalo Police Brutality
  • Report From Minnesota
  • Looting & Agents Provocateur
  • Citizens Rise Up
  • Challenge Of Police Reform

Photo courtesy Lorie Shaull

During episode 310, BL and David discuss their experiences of the Black Lives Matter and police brutality protests from the perspective of each of their states, New York and Minnesota, as well as the needed changes in our society.

The East Coast/National Response

Military Leaders Speak Out

“When you have seen hate-filled policemen curse, kick, brutalize, and even kill your black brothers and sisters with impunity…then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait.”

Letter From A Birmingham Jail, 1963 – Martin Luther King Jr.

a video from when we took the BIKE TRAIL back to our cars after police advised us to because of the amount of people standing by the street with their bats and guns.. these men followed us- if the cops weren’t there i genuinely don’t know what would have happened.— bella (@itsbellagomez) June 2, 2020
This is a police riot.

In video after video, police give the American people more reasons to take to the streets and demand change.

We need a wholesale overhaul of policing.— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) June 5, 2020
People stuck in traffic are witnessing NYPD beat up folks on their way home.— Josh Fox BlackLivesMatter (@joshfoxfilm) June 4, 2020
I’ve already RTed the context… but notice by the end, a *second* @SeattlePD knee comes down on this civilian’s neck/head area. That’s when a bike cop cycles around with bike in hand SOLELY to obstruct other people’s view of the act. Sickening. @MayorJenny what say you?— Sam Machkovech ☂ (@samred) June 5, 2020
My heart hurts today. All of this is gut wrenching to watch. No reason to ever push an elderly person down with a cane who can hardly walk— Nick Hennen (@tweetbrk) May 31, 2020
my older brother went to a protest in Denver last night. as the police were leaving, one of them shot him with a pepper pellet that smashed the back of his phone and exploded in his face. they were ~30 feet from each other and it looks like the officer aimed directly at his face— Rachelle D’nae (@heyydnae) May 31, 2020
“Not all streets are like Sesame Street. … What we are seeing is people saying ‘enough is enough.’ They want to end racism.”@Elmo’s dad Louie explains why people are protesting across the US. #CNNSesameStreet— CNN (@CNN) June 6, 2020


Shout out to the neighbors outside the market who’re calling in two cars without plates.— Ed Kohler (@edkohler) May 31, 2020
agitated barefoot white guy in a black range rover without front and back plates just ran up and pounded the doors of greenway liquor. when workers came out, he got confrontational and tried to swing at one. he then sped off south on lasalle at a high speed!! #MinneapolisUprising— taylr (@taylr) May 31, 2020
Former Minneapolis Mayor @R_T_Rybak told The @ChadHartmanShow "it’s time to start naming names."

The first name: MPD Lt. Bob Kroll— News Talk 830 WCCO (@wccoradio) May 29, 2020
Bob Kroll’s letter yesterday to the Minneapolis Police Federation membership showed us what rank-and-file officers voted for in their leadership, and it is yet another sign that the department is irredeemably beyond reform.— Steve Fletcher – Minneapolis Ward 3 (@MplsWard3) June 2, 2020
There’s a BP gas station at 36th/Lyndale that’s owned by Lonnie McQuirter; a few nights ago, he noticed people were hanging out, guarding the boarded up station. That’s community, he says, adding it reminded him of his friend, Tyrone Williams, a prominent activist who was slain.— Libor Jany (@StribJany) June 1, 2020
If you’re thinking about dropping off household supplies it seems like the Longfellow drop off sites are overwhelmed. Consider Broadway & Emerson or 38th & Chicago.— Ed Kohler (@edkohler) May 31, 2020
The scene tonight in South Minneapolis.

I’d be lying if I said this didn’t warm my heart.— Shaquille Brewster (@shaqbrewster) June 3, 2020