New Twitter Features

New Twitter Features

Episode 307 – May 10, 2020


  • Twitter Moderates
  • New Twitter Features?
  • Google Podcast Analytics
  • Google Web Vitals
  • Facebook Oversight Board
  • Ryan Reynolds’ Slides
  • Wendy’s Scavenger Hunt
  • Progressive Works From Home
  • Amazon’s Upload Debuts
  • Copy & Paste IRL
  • Jimmy Kimmel’s Screwup
  • GoDaddy Hacked
  • Axl Rose Trends
  • YouTube Engagement Benchmarks

During episode 307, BL and David discuss Twitter’s new moderation tool and potential new features for business profiles; Google’s podcast analytics; Google’s Web Vitals metrics; Facebook’s oversight board; Ryan Reynold’s Mint Mobile commercial; Wendy’s online scavenger hunt; Progressive Insurance works from home; Amazon’s new show, Upload; augmented reality that copy and pastes from real life; Google Lens’ new copy to desktop feature; Jimmy Kimmel’s screw up; 28,000 GoDaddy hosting accounts compromised;..and much, much more.

Best Practices

Twitter Will Help You Be Nice

Twitter is experimenting with a new moderation tool that will warn users before they post replies that contain what the company says is “harmful” language.

When things get heated, you may say things you don’t mean. To let you rethink a reply, we’re running a limited experiment on iOS with a prompt that gives you the option to revise your reply before it’s published if it uses language that could be harmful.— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) May 5, 2020

Possible New Twitter Features

Twitter is considering adding new features for businesses that would make their profiles more like a business listing.

Google Podcasts Gets Analytics

Google has unveiled Google Podcasts Manager an analytics tool for its podcast platform.

Google Web Vitals

Google announced Web Vitals, an initiative to provide web developers and website owners with a unified set of metrics for building websites with user experience and performance in mind.

Google Web Vitals Metrics

Facebook Overlords

Facebook announced it’s Oversight Board. Kara Swisher describes it as “an independent panel has all the hallmarks of the United Nations, except potentially much less effective.”

Ryan Reynalds’ PowerPoint Commercial

Ryan Reynolds’ sales pitch for Mint Mobile.

Wendy’s Online Scavenger Hunt

This week, Wendy’s gave Twitter followers a chance to win $5,000 and free food in a digital scavenger hunt across the internet.

129 hiding spots and you found every one of ‘em. But there’s still one left. And it’s big. $1000 in Wendy’s food big. Tomorrow morning at 12 ET the hunt for the final code begins. Y’all ready for this?— Wendy’s (@Wendys) May 7, 2020

Progressive WFH

Flo has tech issues and Jamie screws up a sales role playing zoom call.

Amazon’s Upload

‘Upload’ is a comedic new Amazon Prime series that deals with the digital afterlife by creator Greg Daniels.

Copy & Paste IRL

Instead of projecting digital images into the physical world, these apps bring the physical into the digital.

4/10 – Cut & paste your surroundings to Photoshop


Book: @HOLOmagazine
Garment: SS17 by @thekarentopacio
Type: Sainte Colombe by @MinetYoann @ProductionType
Technical Insights: ↓#ML #AR #AI #AIUX #Adobe #Photoshop— Cyril Diagne (@cyrildiagne) May 3, 2020

Worst Practices

Jimmy Kimmel Screws Up

Jimmy Kimmel edited a video to make it look like Mike Pence carried empty boxes into a nursing home – and it went viral with more than one million views.

it would appear that @vp was joking about carrying empty boxes for a staged publicity stunt. The full video reveals that he was carrying full boxes for a staged publicity stunt. My apologies. I know how dearly this administration values truth.— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) May 8, 2020

GoDaddy Hosting Hacked

On May 4, 2020, GoDaddy, one of the world’s largest website hosting providers, disclosed that the SSH credentials of approximately 28,000 GoDaddy hosting accounts were compromised by an unauthorized attacker.

Shiny New Stuff

BL’s Finds

David’s Finds


It’s official! Whatever anyone may have previously thought of Steve Mnuchin he’s officially an asshole.— Axl Rose (@axlrose) May 6, 2020

Weekly Numbers

YouTube Engagement Benchmarks